The US politics blog will return tomorrow with more updates from Washington. “I’m hoping diplomacy is still available.” “Whatever Russia does next, we’re ready to respond with unity, clarity and conviction,” Biden said this afternoon. Meanwhile, Russian lawmakers granted Putin permission to use force outside the country, which could clear the way for a broader attack on Ukraine.“I will continue to try to work with the Biden administration and Senate Democrats to create crippling sanctions for Putin’s invasion.” “The sanctions outlined are woefully inadequate to deter Putin’s efforts to redraw the European map and dismember a neighboring democracy,” said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. Some Republicans criticized Biden’s sanctions as an insufficient response to Russian aggression in Ukraine.“We want to send an unmistakable message though, that the United States – together with our allies – will defend every inch of Nato territory and abide by the commitments we made to Nato.” We have no intention of fighting Russia,” Biden said. “Let me be clear, these are totally defensive moves on our part. Biden is also deploying US forces and equipment to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to help fortify those countries’ defenses.“And if Russia goes further with this invasion, we stand prepared to go further as with sanctions,” Biden said. The sanctions will target Russia’s financial institutions, sovereign debt and elite families.

#Postal 2 share the pain russian mac
In addition to the original, single-player version of Postal 2, the Mac release includes the Share the Pain multiplayer add-on, which was released separately for the PC. However, the computer-controlled characters are often dumb as bricks-running continuously into walls and doing other incredibly stupid stuff. And the occasional pyrotechnic effect will send cars and trucks careening into the sky, Hollywood-style. The game’s physics engine supports “rag doll” body motion, which offers some entertainment value as corpses get blown hither and yon. And the interior level design is also a bit plain and unfinished in places. But each area is zoned and must load separately-which often leaves you tapping your fingers on the table for a few moments. Unfortunately, the twisted fun can’t mask some basic flaws that mar the game’s execution. Former child star and California gubernatorial candidate Gary Coleman even takes the heat at one point. Postal 2 is, at least on some levels, a ham-handed satire that pokes fun at everything from the gaming industry to modern politics-and few groups escape the barbs.